What Are the Top HR Compliance Trends to be Aware of?


Although finding and retaining quality talent is a primary area of concern for most employers, there are compliance-related topics that frequently arise in client discussions that may take priority.  Here we will review these areas of high focus and  the proactive steps you may consider in addressing them.

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What’s the Best Way to Document Employee Issues?

Analysis of reports In our last blog we reviewed why it is important to document employee issues and the value that comes with accurate documentation. Here, we will discuss the common barriers supervisors hit and provide key talking points to ensure proper documentation.

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Why is Documenting Employee Issues Important?

Signing a contractDocumenting employee issues is one the least liked things supervisors have to do. The process is a time consuming, academic exercise that is solely for the purposes of covering everyone’s backs should an employee take legal action over an employment decision that they were not in agreement with. So why is it important?

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How Do I Provide Effective Feedback to my Employees?

effective feedbackIn a recent study by Officevibe on the  “Statistics On The Importance Of Employee Feedback” it was reported that 65% of employees wanted more feedback and that 14.9% lower turnover rates can be experienced in companies that implement regular feedback activities.

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What Qualities Do the Best Managers Possess?

best managersWho is the best manager you have ever worked for? And, what sets this person apart from other managers?

These are the first two questions of a Personal Best exercise that we facilitate at the beginning of every leadership workshop we hold for managers.

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What is an Effective Onboarding Process?

hiring Most people can unfortunately recall a situation where they started a new job, excited about the role and company, only to find their first day to be less than exciting. Their assigned computer was not set up in advance; they have to spend hours in a room by themselves to read and complete the requisite HR paperwork; they are only introduced to whomever’s around; they are given a cursory overview of what’s expected of them and then they are left to sink or swim.  Employees who experience such an unwelcoming onboarding process have a greatly diminished likelihood of being successful, while also increasing the probability they will leave within the first few months. Revisit our previous blog, What Does Employee Turnover Cost? to see what risks you’re taking with a poor onboarding process.

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How Do I Avoid a Bad Hire?

Two men by a windowHow many times have you seen hiring managers settle for a bad hire when hiring in this market of high demand and fewer actively seeking resources? Logically, they know they need a great resource but they choose to hire an under-qualified referral or the first available applicant to quickly fill a gap or timeline rather than finding the right candidate. You wouldn’t buy a bicycle and expect the performance of a motorcycle so why would you hire a Manager of Operations that is missing critical skills to meet the demands of your COO opening?

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How Do I Conduct an Effective Performance Review?

The term “Performance Review” or “Appraisal” can send a feeling of dread and apprehension through your employees. So how can you make this valuable time with your employees more positive? And how can you prepare for an effective performance review?

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How Do I Know if I’m Compensating My Employees Fairly?

women in a business suit

Are you concerned about fair employee compensation?

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